Create PDF
- Create PDF – Merge values from a Google sheet into a Google Doc to create a PDF.
- Create and email a PDF – Merge values from a Google sheet into a Google Doc to create a PDF and email it.
- Create and email a PDF on form submission – Automatically email a PDF of a form submission.
- Create and email PDFs to all rows in a Google Sheet.
- Create and send multiple PDFs based on selected rows
- Create a PDF from a multi-sheet Google Sheet
Miscellaneous Snippets, Scripts & Templates
- BetterLog Library Wrapper – A simple wrapper for the GAS BetterLog library that automatically adds the function name.
- BTC-e Trader – Web app to perform trades using the BTC-e RESTful API (website closed, see this article).
- Clear config – Log and clear the contents of Apps Script properties, triggers, etc
- Color Scale – Google Sheet Add-on for setting the background color in a selected range of a GSheet according to their numeric value.
- File Clone – Copy list of files in a GSheet into a new folder, maintaining the original name.
- Formatting a value as a string
- Generate a random string of length n
- Get an address – A Google sheet for making a best guess at a limited address description.
- Merge into a HTML template (from draft GMail)
- NeverBounce API
- OpenStack RESTful GAS Library – OpenStack is a cloud-based OS that provides a RESTful API to storage it manages.
- Persistent Property Management – Manage and store persistent state. Uses both Firebase (FirebaseApp library), CacheService and BBLog for logging
- Quickbooks API – Object for accessing the Quick Books Online API
- Rose Money Manager – Google Spreadsheet based personal finance manager that allows you to schedule transaction entry.
- Rose Task Manager – Google Sheet Add-on: Gsheet for the task list, custom form to submit tasks, GCal to schedule regular tasks.
- VeriClock RESTful GAS library – VeriClock is a cloud-based employee time-tracking system that provides a RESTful API.
- Terrain generator – Creates a terrain using the Color Scale add-on.
- Website/Domain Monitor – Google sheet for monitoring a set of websites.
My Libraries
Other things Google from my site
- Best practices for developing Apps Script
- Google UK Search Position Tool
- Collaborating with Google Drive
- Getting Things Done with GMail
Third Party Libraries
- Google Apps Script Library Database – Various library lists from around the web consolidated in one Google Spreadsheet.
Community Support
- Google Apps Script Slack channel – more immediate and informal chat on all topics to do with Apps Script.
- Stack Overflow – the ultimate resource for getting your technical GAS questions answered. It’s always worth putting them up on the G+ site too, and if you are really after a quick response post in “how_do_i” in the Apps Script Slack channel.
- Comprehensive Google Apps Script FAQ from
- Alexander Ivanov’s Apps Script List
- Bruce McPherson’s Apps Script website – by far the most comprehensive resource on the net. The guy literally wrote the book!
- “The G Suite Solutions Gallery is a collection of sample solutions that demonstrates how you can solve common business challenges with G Suite Developer technologies. These samples showcase different ways to integrate and customize the productivity tools you’re already using.”
- “Apps Script Pulse is a new space to keep up-to-date with the latest contributions from the Google Apps Script community. Pulse is designed to compliment other community spaces – with the Apps Script Stack Overflow site supporting Q&A, the Apps Script Google Group providing a discussion space and the new G Suite Solutions Gallery providing a space for sample solutions – Apps Script Pulse is a distribution channel for community created content as well as surfacing highlights from existing spaces.”
- Monetizing an Add-on – a great list of questions from Alan Wells to consider when thinking about monetizing your Add-on.
- Kanshi TANAIKE – A very extensive list from the very prolific Kanshi. Not just snippets and libraries, but reports on all things Apps Script and performance benchmarks.
- Lessons Learned building an Apps Script Add-on – An interesting and informative article on developing an Add-on in a team environment using GitHub from
- Editing script locally and just run in the script editor, via Github
- Video on creating a GCP project to publish a Google Apps Script Add-on
- List of useful scripts from Digital Inspiration
- List of everything Apps Script from Oshliaer
- Screencast of developing Google Apps Script Offline
- … you can do that with Apps Script – Martin Hawksey’s Apps Script Presentation
- Amit Agarwal‘s App Script Starter – a “modern software development environment for building Google add-ons and web applications with Google Apps Script and next-generation JavaScript“.
- The 6 deadly sins of Google Apps Script Add-on Development
- Tips on building a reliable, secure & scalable architecture using Google Apps – A Medium article from Sourabh Choraria
Cool Third Party Stuff
- Converting an image into a GSheet
- Virtual Machine in a Google Sheet
- 3D maze in a Google Sheet
- Running things in parallel using HTML service
- Using a spreadsheet as a web-app back-end
- GAS Script Editor – Chrome extensions:
- Using exponential back-off in Apps Script
- Hex codes of the standard Google Apps palette
- Uploading scripts to Github with GasGit
- Using Apps Script and the Vision API to monitor a webcam
- ES6 Shim library
- Building a Deep Neural Net in Google Sheets
- Build Apps Powered by Language with Semantic ML
- Chess game on a spreadsheet
- A Blockchain implemented on a GSheet
- Programming Game of Life in a GSheet
- Making a GSheet look less like a spreadsheet – fancy dashboard graphics