Rose Photo Manager – Bulk Copy Google Photos to Google Drive

Copy Google Photos to Google Drive

If you, like me, miss the automatic sync between Google Drive and Google Photos we lost in July 2019 (as Google thought we’d find it too complicated!) this is the GSheet for you. Rose Photo Manager copies the photos and videos from Google Photos and stores them onto your GDrive:

  • Only ever copies the latest photos and videos each time it is run
  • Creates folders with the same name for storage of media in Google Photo albums.
  • Copes with media being stored in multiple albums by creating GDrive shortcuts.
  • Can be set up to run automatically, once a day or whatever suits.
  • Can just copy media in an album, not in an album or both, with the ability to list media not yet in an album first. 
  • Is open source, and available on GitHub

Rose Photo Manager – Template

Rose Photo Manager – User Manual

Rose Photo Manager on GitHub
