I’ve just finished watching the last of the Matrix trilogy that I’ve been working my way through over the last week. Wow. I’ve watched them all a few times in the past, but I’d forgotten – well the sensation had waned – what a monumental achievement this series of movies was, is. The rush just sitting here as the credits roll and the music subsides. I just wanted to capture it and my feelings at this moment. Should I be working on something like this? Should I be working at the bleeding edge of special effects and story telling? Nah, that’s not my strength. I don’t want to be spending hours poring over a hot special effects workstation or dreaming up some amazing tale or writing inspirational music. My strengths are learning and applying stuff, taking information and making judgements and sticking at that learning and decision making process. But most importantly I want variety and freedom to explore new things and then tell people – who might be interested about those things.
But, man, great movies!