VeriClock RESTful API Google Apps Script library

VeriClock is a cloud-based employee time tracking system that provides a RESTful API. This library provides a straightforward way to access the VeriClock API from a Google Apps Script. The project id of the library is “Mnek5yp41nP-lNIwpLgcNFtnfWGfgtIUb”. Details of the API […]


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High-res terrain generator in Google Sheet!

Terrain Generator - Google Sheets

You can see the terrain image in this spreadsheet. Having just released the Color Scale Add-on I was having a play around with a terrain generator and created this (fairly) high-res terrain in a Google Sheet! The terrain generation script is […]


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Google Sheet Color Scale Add-on – v2 released

Google Sheet Color Scale Add-on

Ever popular in the Script Gallery, Color Scale is now available as an add-on in the Google Web Store for adding to your own Google Sheets. The Color Scale add-on for Google Sheets sets the background color of the cells […]


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Rose Task Manager – Google Apps Add-on Released

Rose Task manager Logo

Rose Task  Manager is now available as a Google Apps Add-on in the Google Web Store! Rose Task Manager lists tasks in a Google sheet, use Google calendar to schedule regular events and send various emails notifications. You can read more […]


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Apps Script to Merge a Google Sheet into a GDoc and Create a PDF

 This is a Google Apps Script to create a PDF file using a Google Doc template and the values in a Google Spreadsheet. It takes the fields from the active row in your Google Spreadsheet (the one with a […]


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New release of Rose Task Manager – v0.4.1

Installation Guide – Demo Spreadsheet – Demo Form I’ve just released a new version of Rose Task Manager, a collaborative task manager that integrates Google Calendar with Google Sheets to provide regular task scheduling, plus other features: Now works with new Google sheets. […]


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