New website finished:

Lisa the teapot - freelance textile designer

I’ve just finished a sleek new photo gallery website for Lisa Davies, aka Lisa the Teapot, a freelance textile designer in West Wales. Check out the gallery on the front page, where she demonstrates some of the funky things she […]


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Flubaroo with automatic grading on submit

Flubaroo image

There is now a beta version of Flubaroo with automatic grading on the form’s submission (autograde). There are still various original features that aren’t working again yet but the autograde code is stable. Please contact me if you would like […]


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Google UK search position tool


Most of the online search position tools are based on the global rather than the UK site, so when I found this spreadsheet that used and allowed comparative searches of different keywords I thought it was worth sharing […]


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Flubaroo v3.1 – Number range answers

Flubaroo image

A new version of the Google Apps Script quiz grader/marker, Flubaroo v3.1, has just been released. I’ve added the ability to grade numeric answers within a specific numeric range, rather than only accepting a single value. Useful when you are […]


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Google Sheet Color Scales

Google Apps Script Colour Scales v0.1 (13Dec13)

Color Scales Spreadsheet STOP PRESS: Color Scale has now been released as an GSheet Add-on. The Google Apps Script contained in this spreadsheet sets the background color of the cells in a selected range according to their numeric value. This […]


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Rose Task Manager (RTM) – v0.3.0

Rose Task Manager (RTM, formerly  RoseCMMS) is a team/collaborative task manager or simple project manager developed with Google Apps Script. It’s main features are: Customised Google form for entering tasks to the … Online and sharable Google spreadsheet task list […]


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